Papers written 1962-64; Sites of graves & carved trees (mainly Dubbo district), mode of burial; Grave at Wallerowong; method of digging out wombats (also 21/4-5); Detailed notes on early contacts, names Jowie as chief of Bathurst tribe; Camp sites in district (also 21/47); Stone implements found, detailed account of types, material used, horsehoof, flakes, points, stone axes, geometrical microliths, hand choppers, Kartan type implements, ceremonial types with incised grooves, hammer dressed stones, pounding stones; Quarry, at Oberon Mount; axe-grinding rock, Coolamingal, marks on trees; Aboriginal belief that Bathurst Plains was once a lake; Story of the Yowie track, belief of natives; Footprint on a rock surface in Windburndale Ck.; Small stone arrangement, Oberon; two part-circles dug in ground; Legend of the Mudgee natives also of the Bathurst tribe about the man in the moon; Notes on archaeological sites, Kanangra Walls and adjacent regions; carved trees at Wellington.